【同义词辨析】 2019-03-15 缺陷尽情夸张反常不信(5小组一起记)

(1) 缺陷
blemish: suggests something that only affects the surface or appearance: fair skin completely devoid of ~es.            瑕疵本指玉的疵病,比喻微小的缺点,常用于面部皮肤a facial blemish一处面部瑕疵

defect: implies a lack, often hidden, of something that is essential to completeness or prefect functioning: the smoke detector failed because of a mechanical ~.

flaw: suggests a small defect in continuity or cohesion that is likely to cause failure under stress: a ~ in a pane of glass.   continuity连续性cohesion连贯、有条理     (failure 1、失败不成功 2、故障失灵衰竭=not working,如engine/power/mechanical/heart/kidney failure发动机/电源/机械故障/心脏/肾衰竭

blemish瑕疵: 只影响外表外观的微小缺点,defect缺陷: 缺失必要物,较严重,flaw小缺陷: 指不够连续连贯的微小缺陷,受外力时可能故障失灵

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          2)缺陷的意思是不完美之处mean an imperfection that mars or damages.         damage损坏,mar严重损坏,两个词在2017-08-15 伤害injure-mar

(2) 尽情
unconstraint: expresses the fact of freely yielding to impulse and can replace either of the other terms though it is less positive in implication: lived a life of complete ~.       impulse冲动,突然想做某事sudden disire to do something

abandon: may add an implication of loss of self-control: weep with ~; or of the absence or impotence of any check on full, free, or natural expression of feeling: ate with ~ the whole time we were on vacation.

spontaneity: suggests an unstudied naturalness and may connote freshness, lack of deliberation, or obedience to the impulse of the moment: a welcome full of warm ~.     unstudied自然而不做作的

unconstraint尽情: 泛指无拘束自由自在,abandon放任放纵: 表示到了失控的地步,毫无约束,spontaneity自然自发: 表示自然自发做作的表达

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          2)尽情的意思是无拘束表达mean a free and uninhibited expression of thoughts or feelings or a mood or style marked by this.    inhibit阻止阻碍抑制to prevent something from happening,如wine or sugary drinks inhibit digestion酒或含糖饮料抑制消化, lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development缺氧可能阻碍胎儿大脑发育)

(3) 夸张
exaggeration: implies an unwillingness to be held down by the facts, or a bias so great that one cannot clearly see or accurately estimate the exact situation: unable to tell the story without ~.  bias偏见偏颇

overstatement: suggests a simple exceeding of the truth: a style that avoids ~.       如this may have been an improvement, but 'breakthrough' was an overstatement这算是改进吧,但说是"突破"就言过其实

hyperbole: suggests a desire, often literary, to create a planned impression or effect through extravagance in statement: sang her praises through poetic ~.   (extravagance奢侈豪华富丽堂皇costing a lot of money, impressive, noticeable, 如going to the theatre is our only extravagance去剧院看戏是我们唯一的奢侈享受,如the extravagance of Strauss's music施特劳斯音乐作品的富丽堂皇)

exaggeration夸张: 指不愿拘泥于事实或偏颇大到看不清事实,overstatement言过其实: 仅表示简单超越事实,hyperbole(文学)夸张: 指文学作品为创造效果或印象,而使用华丽的语言

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         2)夸张的意思是描述事物时超越事实(言过其实)mean an overstepping of the bounds of truth, especially in describing the extent, size, kind, or amount of something.

(4) 反常
abnormal: frequently suggests strangeness and sometimes deformity or monstrosity: a classic study of ~ personalities.     monstrous有三个意思 1怪物的 2巨大丑陋的 3邪恶残忍的,例句在2020-09-24 巨大monstrous-stupendous

atypical: stresses divergence upward or downward from some established norm: a markedly ~ reaction to the drug.    diverge/converge是反义词,表示分离发散/汇聚收敛   norm常规常态,强调可以作为衡量标准

aberrant: implies a departure from the usual or normal type: that joyriding incident must be regarded as an ~ episode in his life.     (depart本身暗示脱离常规)   aberrant通常和behavior联用

abnormal反常怪异: 表示既违反常规又怪异畸形丑陋,atypical非典型: 可表示于或于常规,aberrant反常: 指违反常规,语气比abnormal弱

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         2)反常的意思是违反常规mean deviating markedly from the rule or standard of its kind.

(5) 不信
unbelief: stresses absence of belief especially in respect to something above or beyond one's experience or capacity: received news of the disaster with an attitude of ~.     还常用于宗教信仰,如the unbelief in God is one of his principles不信上帝是他的原则之一,即认为无法判定上帝是否存在,进而无法相信或不相信

disbelief: implies a positive rejection of something stated or advanced: regarded his explanation with ~.    positive积极乐观正面肯定,这里表示肯定的,即明确

incredulity: suggests a disposition to refuse belief or acceptance: greeted her announcement with ~.     字面意思是"不轻信",常表示质疑,如本例,如Reagan's speech was met with incredulity in the US里根的演讲在美国遭到了质疑,来自词根CRED相信信任to believe, entrust,如credo信条incredible难以相信的credulous轻信的credence相信、可信度

unbelief难以置信: 强调(不相信的)事实,常因某物超出个人的经验认知,disbelief不相信: 指明确不相信、拒绝,incredulity不轻信质疑: 指不轻信性格,还常表示质疑

记忆方法: 1)练习一下

         2)不信的意思是心里不相信mean the attitude or state of mind of one who does not believe.